28 October, 2024

Artists Exhibit At Five-star Hotel

Artists exhibit at five-star hotel

Room with a view: Visitors contemplate
a painting on display at the hotel.- VNS
Photo Sunny Rose

Veteran artists from across Viet Nam show they still have what it takes
HCMCITY – In their recent show at Phuong Mai Gallery, a group of wellknown artists show that age cannot diminish their creative powers.
Each artist exhibited one work last weekend at the Caravelle Hotel, a setting that was chosen by the owner Nguyen Quang Cuong.
“ Someone who comes here can enjoy live classical music, and drink wine while contemplating high-profile paintings,” Cuong said. “ It’s an event about art, and an interesting meeting, not just for business-people.”
Le Thanh Thu, 53, paints in a contemporary vein, and is influenced by his poetry. Everyday events of daily life are filtered through his artworks.
“ Painting is a language, a way to communicate like the voice, which is a means to convey the proof of the belief in existence,” Thu said.
La Hon, who is in his 70s, and his son La Nhu Lan, 35, have contrasting styles, with Hon displaying work in a more traditional manner.
“ I love this painting by La Nhu Lan. He expresses all the different feelings in a woman’s face,” said Le Thi May, a young gallery vistor said.
The acrylic and oil called Living SpaceIV 2008 by Le Thanh Thu was also a standout.
“ It’s a very interesting painting which can really make a difference. I like it because it tells me something about the hustle and bustle of life today,” an Australian tourist said. – Viet Nam News


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