25 October, 2024

Elderly Artist Remains A Romantic – Vietnamese Painting

HCMCity – An exhibition of 44 artworks, oil on canvas and mixed media, called Đất Phương Nam(Southern Life) by Lê Minh, a 71-year-old artist, is showing at Phuong Mai Gallery.
The works display exquisite drawing skills and a flare for the romantic. Beautiful women form the main subject matter to represent the artist’s sense of the people and landscapes of Southern Vietnam.
“I often wake up early. After two hours of working on my art, I go out for breakfast and think that two hours of working per day is enough. But when I come back and look at the picture, I pick up a brush to retouch it. Then time passed so quickly, I don’t even notice when twilight comes”, Le Minh said. “ Day by day from 2002 till now, I made works for this exhibition.”
Inspired by random moments, Le Minh draws joy from the sweet light of the world around him. His motto is to be true to “the genuine, the good and the beauty”.

Le Minh's painting
Le Minh’s painting

“The way he feels and thinks is more bohemian than learned. It is very admirable that at the age of seventy, he is still very optimistic, joyful and active”, said Uyen Huy, an artist and chairman of HCM City Fine Arts Association.
Le Minh regularly travels in the artist circles of Saigon and Gia Dinh [former name of HCMCity].
Born Le Ngoc Minh, he graduated from the Gia Dinh Fine Arts College. He is former editor-in-chief of Em magazine and former director of Em Fine works. His paintings are owned by many collectors in Vietnam and overseas.
As a young protégé from Gia Dinh’s Fine Art Association, he dispalyed a special talent for design and illustration as seen in daily newspapers, magazines and novels published in Saigon.
His latest works are on exhibition at Phuong Mai Gallery, 129B Le Thanh Ton Street, District 1, HCMCity untill next Tuesday. For images of paintings by Le Minh, visit http://www.vietnam-art.com.vn  – Viet Nam News


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